COVID19 – Update

Dear Customers,

In response to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in the UK, Whitehouse Flexible Tubing Ltd wish to share the following information with our Clients.
We are continuously monitoring the situation and taking the latest advice as issued from the UK Government. We would like to reassure you that the health and wellbeing of our employees, clients, partners and supply chain is our paramount priority. We will continue to take the recommended preventative and containment actions to protect all those affected by our business activities.
In order to ensure that we issue the most up to date guidance for employees and customers, we are closely monitoring the situation to assess, review and discuss the appropriate action.

To help protect our staff and suppliers we are enforcing regular hand washing and the use of hand sanitiser which has been made available to all employees.

In addition, we are taking steps to ensure the welfare of our employees by instructing those employees who feel ill to stay at home and consult their healthcare providers.
We have introduced special measures to enable our business to continue, operations will continue at all UK sites unless advised otherwise. However, where feasible, we will use virtual technology instead of face to face meetings and we will be implementing remote working where required.
These measures are defined by the guidance given by official UK governmental and public health advisory organisations. These include the NHS, Department for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy, Public Health England and the Health & Safety Executive.
To date our service levels have not been negatively affected in any way. We are however, continually monitoring the threat. Should the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) continue to escalate, we have put contingency plans in place to mitigate any challenges that may arise.

We will be operating with a skeleton staff to minimise risk, we will continue to respond to orders although customers may experience slightly longer delivery times than usual. By taking standard lengths and popular sizes from stock, delivery and prices will remain unaffected. Any urgent orders or non stock orders may incur an additional charge in some circumstances. Should this be the case it will be made clear at the time of ordering and any suitable alternatives will be offered.

Many thanks for your support during these difficult times and we wish you well.

With kind regards,

John Whitehouse

OPES Show Postponed

As you may be aware the OPES Exhibition has been postponed for March and rescheduled for 14th – 16th September 2020. Whitehouse Flexible Tubing will therefore not be visiting Oman during March and we have been forced to cancel all appointments as a consequence.

We are extremely disappointed to miss this opportunity to meet and discuss business opportunities with our customers.

It is our hope that you will be attending in September and we will have the pleasure of meeting with you then.

Please contact us directly with any enquiries or questions.